Friday femmes fatales No 10

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly top ten.

The raging debate of the week, at least in the US blogging world, seems to be a return to the Seventies – whether women victims are in any way to be blamed for sexual attacks upon them. (Well I suppose it is better than back to the Fifties, when the issue wasn’t discussed at all.) Chaos Theory provides a summary digest that will take you further – I’m too depressed at the fact that this still has to be argued at all to range further into the debate.

Then to something that is not a life-threatening issue, but one that consumes vast amounts of female time and effort – hair. I Blame the Patriarchy concludes: “as the Pakistani woman obscureth her identity with fabric, so doth the Western woman obscure hers with Nair”.

Pam’s House Blend, meanwhile, is getting angry about US southern senators refusing to sign an apology for inaction against lynching.

Moving on to more privately political terrirtory, Dr B’s Blog discusses the importance of domestic partner benefits beyond the obvious financial ones.

Now I decided at age five that I didn’t want to have children, and I’ve never wavered in that decision, but if you want to sentence yourself to 20 years or so imprisonment, Dru Blood has made a list of her favourite books on childbirth and parenting. Amybowlian looks a little later in the life cycle, exploring the torture of being forced to read aloud in English class.

If you want to stay footlose and fancy free, however, Game + Girl = Advance has a brilliant idea about how to prepare for foreign travel. (But she should have saved it and sold it for millions, I’d say.)

Also in the”good idea” category, Laurie Writes comes up with great suggestion for keeping in touch with all those people you are meaning to write a good newsy email to, one of these days.

But is “hypermodernism” a good idea? (Or indeed what is hypermodernism?)
Mary Karcher provides an introduction and, of course, an excellent set of links.

Finally, for some comprehensive cat blogging, 2 Board Alley provides a pictorial biography of the life of Arnie, “a nine-year-old bachelor”.

Edition 9 is here.


Please, if you’re impressed by something by a female blogger in the next week – particularly by someone who doesn’t yet get a lot of traffic – please tell me about it, in the comments here, or by email.


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