Friday femmes fatales No 11

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly top ten.

I had been planning after the first ten weeks to start including bloggers who’d made the list before, but the excitement of collecting 100 women bloggers has gone to my head, and I’ve decided now to go for 200.

This seems to have been a family-orientated week. This Fish Needs a Bicycle has been thinking about how her sister was really there for her when she needed it, while Why not- right says thanks to “the best daddy in the world” and Purple Elephants Corner is combining celebrating the summer solstice and her wedding anniversary with a spot of novel-writing.

On the political side of family, Amy Loves Books explains her decision to put her children into a “inner-city, poverty-stricken, low-performing elementary school”, leaping into a raging international (or at least Western) debate, while This woman’s work is agonising over the issue of international adoption.

Familial links can be chosen, of course, and Ellen has been musing on the importance of the global email village to her life, and the vulnerability of the email list to the sad, the mad, or the ugly.

Turning overtly political, Ginger on LHLS ponders the question: “Did bushco really invade Iraq to keep the oil flowing or did they do it because they’re really insane? Or both?”

Then, in a post to which I can only say YES, Philoillogica deconstructs much of the popular journalism directed at women.

On a lighter note, Sarah on
It’s Not Rocket Science Peeps is lamenting phone callers who waste your time for no particular reason. (Not for the easily offended.)

And Pewari’s prattle says “you know you’re going a bit overboard with foodiness when … ”

The list of the first 100.

Please, if you’re impressed by something by a female blogger in the next week – particularly by someone who doesn’t yet get a lot of traffic – tell me about it, in the comments here, or by email.

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