Net Nuggets No 9

* Exciting news: an (almost) complete poem of Sappho has been reconstructed (from 3rd-century BC mummy wrappings). And it’s lovely.

Again I find myself wondering why it is that it is always women’s work that disappears, particularly Sappho’s, when she was so important to the ancient world. I suppose in this case we should blame medieval monks and the Arabic libraries, which we must thank for the survival of so many other texts.

* From the same issue of the TLS, a fascinating historical background to the Make Poverty History campaign, starting from the development of the idea that this might be possible – it really is a short history.

* Why are the poor in America apparently happy to give to the rich? What can you call it but false consciousness? This article has a sophisticated analysis of the problem.

* An excellent round-up of the state of the field: Ralph E Luker’s history of history blogging.

* I’m currently trying, for the second time around, to enter academia via an OU tutoring job, so I’ve noted this collection of essay criticism for possible future use. (I’d appreciate tips from anyone who’s successfully negotiated the application system.)

*Finally, for a bit of fun, plug yourself into the Buttafly Starbucks Oracle. Learn your personality type from your order! (Via Feministe.)

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