Friday femme fatales No 13

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly top ten.

I thought I should start today with Thoroughly Modern Millie, who claims to be, at 79, one of the oldest bloggers on the web. (Just out of interest does anyone know of any older female blogger?) The post to which I’m pointing here could be a message to us all: “If you don’t go out, nothing will happen”.

I feel I have to include a London bombing post, but just one, reflecting my personal concern that it not be allowed to loom out of proportion. Catherine Redfern is quoted on MsMusings raising some of the broader issues around the attacks.

Of greater long-term importance, in a week when US abortion rights faced a new threat, Bush v. Choice’s is a blog to follow on the aftermath of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement.

The British government might meanwhile be shilly-shallying on the banning of smoking, but Fascinating History reports on a ruler who had an effective, and very final, solution to the problem.

But to gentler political climes: maybe it is just the pastures across which I graze, but Canadians seem to be represented in the blog world, both in quality and quanitty, far beyond their proportion on the world population. It thus seems appropriate to point to Promptings’ post on Canada Day.

The delightfully named Booklust is meanwhile finding that she (unfortunately) has seven degrees of separation to Norman Mailer, while Paper Napkin, whose title is explained as “all the news that’s fit to wrap your gum in”, is finally closing on the purchase of a house, with all of the ensuing stress, and wondering what watching aliens would make of the scene.

I have to give The examining room of Dr Charles an honorary mention here for introducing me to a whole range of female bloggers on topics green. The World of Botanical Girl introduces “Spyro”, her Bryophyllum tubiflorum that just grew, and grew, and grew …. Jane Perrone on her organic gardening blog meanwhile offers tips in this post of how to help plants cope with hot weather – she’s got lots of great advice on organic gardening and is certainly going on my “regular read” list.

Finally, on along the botanical (and very funny) line, Woulda Coulda Shoulda is talking about the problem of maintaining the yeast/bacteria balance, with the help of oatmeal and baking soda. (Not recommended for males of a delicate disposition.)

But wait, there’s more, as the telesales people say. Check out a blog pursuing a similar aim to this listing by a different method: Blogs By Women.


Here’s No 12 if you missed it.

Please, if you’re impressed by something by a female blogger in the next week – particularly by someone who doesn’t yet get a lot of traffic – tell me about it, in the comments here, or by email. Remember, I’m going for a list of 200 different female bloggers. (The first 100 are here.)


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