Friday femmes fatales No 14

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly top ten.

The blogosphere seems to have been leading the way on the Karl Rove story this week; Out Loud has an excellent, angry, summary and link set.

Deserving of mention for her stalwart defence of abortion rights is Crazy Cat Woman, but I have to select for special note her post on the man arrested for showing his chest in public – that’s what you call equal rights. (He seems to have had what are known in the UK as an extreme case of “man-boobs”, which are not usually considered an attractive feature.)

Culture kitchen is meanwhile using what is obviously broad psychology/philosophy reading and bringing it into everyday language to try to understand what is the big deal about rape.

But I think I’ve found a solution to teen pregnancy – all potential mothers (and fathers) should be forced to read Raising Weg’s post about how replacing daipers (nappies) with potties is not necessarily all it is cracked up to be. (Well she does have triplets.)

If that’s not enough, sympathise with This woman’s work, who wakes up counting the hours until she can get to sleep again.

Slightly later in the lifecycle, Through the cellardoor of existence has a personal take on the exams versus coursework debate. The Underwear Drawer, written by “an anesthesiology resident in New York City trying to get used to the idea of calling herself ‘Doctor’ without using those finger air quotes”, is meanwhile enduring the tests that really matter – at least to her patients.

Going cultural, Broad View enjoyed seeing the “Britgirl rapper” Lady Sovereign, despite being trapped in the middle of a crowd “dancing like they were knee-deep in aerobics class”. In a more relaxed format, Surburban Guerrilla relished a rare day away from the front line.

And I guess I’d better finish with a Harry Potter link (hey anything that gets kids reading has to be commended, even if the hype is now hardly bearable): and The Austen Blog finds one attempt to tell a part of the story in the new book (or is it? – tomorrow will tell) in the style of you-know-who.


Here’s No 13 if you missed it.


Please, if you’re impressed by something by a female blogger in the next week – particularly by someone who doesn’t yet get a lot of traffic – tell me about it, in the comments here, or by email. Remember, I’m going for a list of 200 different female bloggers.

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