Sunday donkey bloggging

Since I’ve finally got my scanner working again after the move (and I hope the printer, although I haven’t been game to try that yet), and having just stumbled across more Aleppo pictures (an earlier set was posted here and here), I thought I’d share some of my pics from the wonderful bazaar in the city. (And that adjective is being applied by a person who hates “normal” shopping.)

But shopping in London is never like this ….

It was in a shop like the last that I bought one of my favourite pieces of jewelry, a necklace containing an Australian 50 cent coin of the Queen’s silver jubilee (1977). There’s nothing special about the coin in Australia – you might easily get it in change some time, but in Aleppo it must have seemed something special, and was set in a very fancy silver setting, with a heavy chain. I had to bargain very hard indeed to get it down to a price I was prepared to pay.

* This is also the first time I’ve used the new Blogger photo tool. I’d appreciate a quick note on how this displays on your browser.

NB: If you are thinking of using these, or any other pictures on the site, please note the terms of the Creative Commons Licence, at the bottom of the blogroll.


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