Friday femmes fatales No 17

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly top ten posts.

The author of All’s Well, Jezebel, a resident of London, is thinking “about extremes, about fanaticism, breeding hate and suicide” and wondering what the world would be like if children and clowns were given more of a say. Another Londoner, Lisy Babe, meanwhile, has a grave concern for her security and safety, because the doors just keep on attacking her.

Minerva, however, has escaped from London, but finds there are plenty of shocks in the countryside, in meeting another level of the food chain. (And check the design of her blog – it’s brilliant.)

Two sides of discrimination. Thus Spoke Zuska checks out the latest report on US education, suggesting: “If we were just a tad less efficient at turning women, minority men, and lower-income students away from the doors of our science and engineering classrooms, we’d probably have all the science and engineering talent we could use”. Mary Johnson on Edge-centric, meanwhile, wonders how a Supreme Court justice who is suffering from cancer should be treated, when he had ruled that a university was within its rights to sack a professor because she had the disease.

Then in the “news you can use” category, Creepy Lesbo offers a practical guide, gleaned from hard experience, of how children can deal with bullying. Dorothy Thompson, meanwhile, is a guest blogger on Author and Book News. She asks: “Are you prepared to be an author?” and offers some tips to make sure you are.

Now I might be being a little parochial here, in pointing to a London restaurant review blog – but the writing’s good, so you can enjoy it, and all of the world comes to London sooner or later, or it should. So check out Krista likes food’s verdict on Bibdendum. (Importantly, she always includes a comment on the “ladies”.)

And on the week that the other Bridget has returned to the British media (what do you think, BTW?), Bridget Who is wielding something rather more exciting than a glass of chardonnnay. It’s a “weapon of minor destruction” – but don’t worry, it is only being used on the hedge.

Staying on the lighter side of life The Hot Librarian is seeking a date for Jemajesty, a small stuffed monkey. The librarian may not be like those with which you are normally familiar – in her profile she says is addicted to Jamba Juice. I’m not quite sure what that is – judge for yourself. (Not for those of Victorian sensibility.)


Here’s No 16 if you missed it.


Please, if you’re impressed by something by a female blogger in the next week – particularly by someone who doesn’t yet get a lot of traffic – tell me about it, in the comments here, or by email. Remember, I’m going for a list of 200 different female bloggers.


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