Net Nuggets No 17

* Marina Warner is an author for whom I have enormous respect. In this excellent piece in the TLS, she explores the meaning and significance of the fictional, quasi-fictional and non-fictional apocalypes on our screens today. Think of its as Baudrillard grounded in the flesh.

* This review of a biography of James Hogg certainly made me want to read the book, although it suggests it might not be for those of delicate sensibilities, or stomaches. It reminds me that that Australian country term for testicles is “bush oysters” – that give you a clue?

* A satirical thoughout experiment in Cro-Magnon science fiction? That’s how you might describe this Brad DeLong post. If that doesn’t seem to make much sense, try it for yourself.

* A Booklist on the subject of lesbians in Paris and London in the early 20th century. (Now that should bring some search traffic – although they’ll be horribly disappointed.)

* Stories in America is taking a roadtrip through “Red” America and asking the questions of the day of “ordinary” people. The results are interesting, and frightening. So much for the Land of the Free, at least in Texas:

“It would hurt your job search if a potential employer heard you criticize Bush?

Of for sure, it could hurt. If I were lockstep in agreement with the Bush administration, there would be no issue. You do learn to conform. It’s very common. You learn the hard way. I consider it a rabid form of Republicanism. It’s not like the east coast Republicanism of the first Bush administration. That was completely different. Those Republicans don’t recognize these Republicans, but these Republicans are the ones who are dominating.”

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