Thai women and work

Finally, very belatedly, I’ve done a quick update on my website, which has been hopelessly neglected for almost a year in favour of the blog. I guess in my new freelance writing life I’m going to have to do a major revamp soon, but in the meantime I’ve just put up a series of articles on “Thai women and work”, written for the Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women’s foreign correspondent programme for 1995-6, that I stumbled across during my recent move.

There’s Breaking through the barriers, a general overview, Sex work – A Labour issue? and Unemployment, A Looming Danger.

The statistics are not the latest now, but probably as up-to-date as many to be found on the web, and the articles might still be of use to somebody. (I do hate to labour over something that then just sits on a shelf.)

I know a lot more about HTML now than I did when I set up the website in 2001, although I’m still far from expert. I wrote these using a programme called Hotdog, which I got off the front of a computer magazine(!) I’m wondering if anyone can recommend any free or cheap programmes to use, as this now looks awfully clunky?

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