Friday femmes fatales No 22

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly “top ten” posts.

Since I’m on holiday in France, I should be looking for French female bloggers, but to be frank the internet cafe is neither comfortable enough – it is supposed to be non fumeur but I keep getting great gusts of cigarette smoke from the air-conditioning – nor is the beach far enough away – to justify it. So if you know any, please tell me about them (whether they write in French or English).

So again this week I’m revisiting some old favourites …

Now I haven’t been following the Katrina debate in the blogosphere this week – after some spirited engagements on Blogcritics last week – but reading it in the French papers instead. (And yes they are slightly gloating, but then after a couple of years of being called cheese-easting surrender monkeys I can excuse that.)

But Bitch PhD has a nice roundup of blogs on the subject, and some thoughts of her own. Sharon on Early Modern Notes, meanwhile, is finding parallels in the Great Fire of London, “a vulnerable city, warnings ignored….” There’s also a nice collection of links about the “Great Plague”, in cqse you were wondering about what might be next.

Frogs and Ravens has a solution, impeachment. Much as I agree with her sentiments, I just can’t face it – imagine going through the whole Clinton saga all over again! Kameron on Brutal Women, meanwhile, reports that an entire city in Oregon disappeared under similar circumstances. (The question I haven’t seen asked, but keep wondering about, is whether it makes any sense to rebuild New Orleans, when an equally bad or even worse hurricane could just as easily come along next year, or next decade?)

After all of that it must be time for a laugh: Pandagon suggests some strategies for the “wingnuts” to combat feminism. Remember, coupon-cutting is a Marxist activity. America This Is Serious, meanwhile, finds that a Seventies book of lesbian ethics still has worthwhile messages for everyone.

Jessica on Feministing, in the meantime, has found a must-read “part memoir, part cultural commentary”, Tiny Ladies in Shiny Pants.

Staying literary, The Little Professor is sceptical about a claim for a newly discovered source for Oliver Twist. Shouldn’t someone have noticed at the time, she asks?

Then for a serious lump of real life, visit Real E Fun. She’s a non-religious funeral celebrant, but don’t let that put you off. The author of Personal Political, meanwhile, is encountering a new dilemma in an encounter with religion as a lesbian mother.


Last week’s edition is here.


Next week I’ll probably start collecting my next hundred female bloggers, to eventually take my total to 300, so if you’ve any nominations – including of your own blog – please leave in the comments.


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