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I haven’t been involved in one of these before, but it certainly looks interesting, even if primarily meant for the classroom. It might even help with some answers to yesterday’s “seven out of 159” equation.

The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University is happy to announce that our website Women in World History (http://chnm.gmu.edu/wwh/) will host four month-long online forums in 2005-06.

These forums will give world history teachers the chance to talk about ways to teach issues surrounding women and gender in world history, and how to access classroom resources, including online primary sources. An educator with high school classroom experience and a historian will moderate each forum. Each forum will be an accessible email listserv that allows all participants to post comments and see all responses.

The first forum begins October 1: Women in World History, moderated by Merry Wiesner-Hanks (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and Heidi Roupp (Former President, World History Association)

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