Radio and blogs

My radio listening alternates between two BBC stations – Five and Four. (Can you tell I’m not into music?) I tend to switch off Four when the dramas come on – particularly The Archers! – as they always seem to consist of women crying or sobbing or screaming, or annoying posh accents – what Australians call “plum in the mouth” voices. I switch off Five when the football commentary drives me mad, or they’ve got motor-racing on – more irritating noises, or that hideous shouty Saturday morning programme.

I must thus have missed Five’s report on blogging. There’s an account here by the made-famous-by-reality-TV reporter, Saira Khan. (That’s purely a statement of fact – good on her if she found a route to a new life that way.)

She wants to know about blogging communities, if anyone wants to take up the challenge.

Found indirectly via – I’ve forgotten the route now – via Tim Worstall’s weekly Britblog round-up. (Don’t miss the live blogging of last week’s plane drama – unlike any live blog you’ve seen before.)


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