Any CSS gurus out there?

UPDATE: Thanks to Vicki of Distinctive Web this is now fixed – at least it is on my screen; please advise if not on yours. (Should you be having the same problem her answer is in the comment.)

Another lovely example of altruism in the giant collective enterprise that is the blogosphere.

(And I’ve learnt not to trust Blogger preview!)

If you can tell me how to restore my left margin I’ll be hugely, eternally grateful …

I’ve just spent two hours trying. The problem is in Blogger preview it looks fine, but in IE, there’s the text, hard up against the side wall. I’ve now got a template scattered with margin-left, padding-left, figures, but nothing seems to work.

It is now 4am, and it is going to have to stay that way for the next seven hours or so. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

To readers – sorry!

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