Carnivalesque has gone home …

And it is a rousing edition on Early Modern Notes, the blog of the founder, Sharon Howard. Don’t miss it.

If you haven’t come across it before, this is a blog carnival alternating between the early modern and ancient/medieval periods, but it is by no means just for specialists.

For example, this one has a special, timely collection on Guy Fawkes’ Night, also exploring issues of modern religious prejudice, and a summary of the rather heated blogosphere debate about our current understanding – feminist and otherwise – of the persecution of witches in Europe. (On which I also made a small post.)

While I’m on the subject of carnivals, Tim Worstall’s weekly Britblog roundup seems to have a particularly good crop this edition. Now if you’re on my blogroll and you’re surprised to find yourself there, you can probably blame me – but go on, nominate yourself next week … (He doesn’t bite, and is friendly even if you don’t belong on the same place in the political spectrum as him.)

You might have noticed the Amazon advert for his soon-to-be-out blog compilation in my sidebar; a perfect gift for those who keep asking: “What is this blogging business anyway?” (And no I’m not in on the profits, although I do believe I have a small entry.)

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