Friday Femmes Fatales No 32

You know the score – ten new female bloggers, ten top posts, on my way to 400. It answers the question: where are all the female bloggers?

Starting with a bit of navel-gazing, Dr Virago (love the title) on Quod She introduces the Electronic Frontier Foundation and discusses the issue of freedom in the blogosphere. Let’s Get Digital, meanwhile, looks at how children are navigating a digital world. Medieval manuscripts get a look in too.

Turning topical, Redneck Mother is aiming for a $150 Christmas. And she’s found that one of the best presents children could possibly get is simple, basic dirt (or perhaps mud). Soap as a stocking filler might also be a good idea.

On Commeo, the impressively named Ms Bella Sultane ponders the responsibilities of military spouses in speaking about the war in Iraq

Now, a warning: this pairing on fertility could be distressing to some. Dead Bug is blogging her seatbeltless rollercoaster to (she hopes) motherhood – this time the news is good. Barefoot and …, however, is posting from the heart, after another miscarriage. They appear to be part of a supportive network of bloggers dealing with issues of fertility – well worth checking out their blogrolls if the issue is close to your heart.

Turning social, Emma Jane on Barely Tenured discusses the problem of the argument that gets out of hand, while Cate on My Mom Dated Spike offers a short but sweet review of the Pride and Prejudice movie.

Staying literary, I’ve been musing, after appearing on a radio show (see below) on how you always think of brilliant things you could have said when it is too late. Well Liz Henry’s a poet, so she’s got the problem of lines she’d like to airbrush.

To finish on the light side, Jessica on Go Fug Yourself desconstructs celebrity life. I don’t understand half the references, but it sounds fun.

You can find the last edition of Femmes Fatales here.

Nominations (including self-nominations) for Femmes Fatales are also hugely welcome – I’ll probably get to you eventually anyway, but why not hurry along the process?


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