Friday Femmes Fatales No 36

Ten new (to me) female bloggers, ten top posts, on my way to 400. It answers the question: where are all the female bloggers?

First the stunning Within/Without, on which Neha posts about working with street girls in Bombay. Also check out the post below about a child welfare official who employed am 11-year-old maid!

On Conversations with Dina, a report from the Global Voices Summit and Rebecca posts her impressions of the Les Blogs conference.

Tokyo Girl provides a deadpan but highly illuminating account of gender/national differences revealed at a Swedish housewarming party. Staying on the national customs side, on Frizzy Logic an explanation of a German Christmas tradition.

Then, on the British media, Sashinka reports back from a taping of Have I Got News for You.

Turning personal, on This, That and the Mother Thing, Anita is blogging day by day about dealing with a miscarriage.

Less seriously, Masked Mom suggests taking those dog days of February and adding them to December, while on Little Red Boat, Christmas looms as a menacing wave.

On This Too, Jean meditates on order and disorder, while (at the top as I write), Natalie on Augustine’s Blog wonders if God would have chosen to be self-published.


You can find the last edition of Femmes Fatales here.

Nominations (including self-nominations) for Femmes Fatales are also hugely welcome – I’ll probably get to you eventually anyway, but why not hurry along the process?


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