The A to Z of feminist blogging

The Carnival of Feminists No 7 has just been put up by Lauren on Feministe, and it is HUGE! Lauren has arranged it in an A to Z, starting with Abortion and ending with Videogames, via Burlesque, Consumer Culture, Dating, Poetry and much, much more. I’m particularly pleased to see a strong showing from women writing from a feminist perspective about comics and videogames – a newish area for the carnival.

It is another spectacular collection. I did a rough count and there are something like 75 posts there, and all the ones I’ve read (I’ll get to them all eventually) have been brilliant.

Please help to spread the word ….!

The heft and quality of this edition makes me wonder if I should make the carnival weekly. The thought of the organisation makes me quail slightly, but ignoring the practical problems, which no doubt could be overcome, I see two ways of looking at this.

The main argument on the “go weekly” side is that it would allow the inclusion of a larger numbers of blogs without the length of the carnival getting impossible.

The main argument against is that perhaps familiarity breeds contempt. By keeping the twice monthly frequency, carnivals are still relatively unusual events that attract more notice. I’d welcome thoughts in the comments below, or by email.

Probably the other thing that I should try to do is build links with carnivals of related interest. I know that Jenn on Reappropriate (a former Carnival of Feminists host) has founded the Radical Women of Colour Carnival. (The deadline for submissions is January 31, and the call for submissions is up.)

Are there any others I should know about out there?


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