Canine separation anxiety …

Anyone got a magic cure? After four weeks of apparently being perfectly happy to be left, Champ has suddenly developed severe separation anxiety. Not only is he clawing the door to shreds; he’s whining, and howling, for at least 40 minutes after being left. (I’ve left a tape running a couple of times, so I would know what was going on.)

The radio is left on for him for company; I kept him fairly hungry today and left him with a stuffed Kong (with peanut butter) and a pig’s ear (neither of which were touched); I just don’t know what to do – I can’t just drop everything, although I am going to have to cancel tomorrow morning’s squash game. But equally I can’t inflict that on the neighbours.

I’m going to try to find a dog sitter – someone retired ideally who is always at home, but it is not going to be easy.

Valium ….? (At least for me.)


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