Apologies for a day of silence …

But I was left berefit – no internet! – when my greyhound Champ, while trying to scratch his way through the doorframe, managed to sever the telephone cable.

Not a total disaster, since I needed to get BT around to sort out a tangle of cables across the floor anyway, and I now have phone sockets in more sensible places.

As for the separation anxiety problem, I’ve decided to try “crate therapy” and the living room is now mostly occupied by said crate – large enough for him to turn around comfortably. The idea is that this is his “safe” space, where he’ll be fed and feel comfortable. Not working yet, but it is early days.

I did this on advice from an Islington dog trainer recommended by the Beaumont Animal Hospital. And after two days of frantic, unanswered calling to the Battersea Dogs’ Home so-called animal behaviour line, which I’m convinced doesn’t actually exist. I left four increasingly frantic messages on the answer phone, since no one ever seems to actually answer calls, and never received a response. I understand Battersea is a charity, but it shouldn’t advertise a service that doesn’t exist. (Particularly since this certainly contributed to my stress levels, and could easily have led me to give up and return Champ.)

If you live in Hackney, Islington or Camden and have dog behaviour problems I’d strongly recommend this guy (who talked to me, and arranged a crate for me, without charging for his time). I won’t post his details for fear of his being swamped, but if you need them, email me and I’ll pass them on.


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