Friday Femmes Fatales No 45

Working on the final century of a collection of 500 female bloggers. Where are they? HERE!


Who could resist a blog called “Granny Gets a Vibrator”? Not me, and there’s some great reading there, including an account of how Liz is starting a weightlifting revolution.

After that, it seems appropriate to point to – I think – the youngest-ever blogger on FFF: On My Life As A Vegan, 13-year-old Allie from Vermont sets out her anger at the use of pets as fashion accessories.

Turning political Agnostic Mom explains very clearly how Intelligent Design is philosophy, not science, but it is a philosophy that aims to destroy science. Meanwhile in Australia, Miss Eagle on Volunteer sets out how demands on parents for involvement in schools are growing.

On the professional side, Satellite Heart sets out why she doesn’t like 18th-century British literature, but has to mark 33 under-graduate essays on the subject. Sounds like something close to hell … She might not want to read Mary V. on OneWomanWreckingCrew, who is away from her blog at the moment, since she’s set out to live her dream – life in a private wilderness.

But Chick with a Gun is enjoying a thousand-year-old Iranian story about the dangers of deceit. Gillian Pollack is meanwhile contemplating historic chapbooks, and helping children to write about wizards.

Then an interesting idea: Barbara Bellissimo, on Creating an Ideal Life Wearing a Tiara, was fed up that “experts” presented to us always seemed to be male. So she’s creating podcasts of female experts. It’s a commercial proposition – there’s a small payment for the full podcast, but you can listen to a preview.

Then for something completely different: knitting is not my thing, but if you could knit a whale … that’s what the author of Raptures of the Deep, appropriately enough, has done.


You can find the last edition of Femmes Fatales here.

Nominations (including self-nominations) for Femmes Fatales are also hugely welcome – I’ll probably get to you eventually anyway, but why not hurry along the process?


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