Cheerful morning poll…

From the latest Guardian political poll:

The poll also shows that the Green party, and not rightwing groups such as the UK Independence party, poses the biggest threat to the main three parties.
Despite recent publicity about Conservative defections to Ukip, and fears inside the party that Mr Cameron’s remodelling of Conservative policy could alienate traditional support on the right, only 14% of Tory supporters say they might back Ukip instead.
Asked to name one or more other parties that they might support, Conservatives are much more likely to choose the Liberal Democrats or the Greens: 32% of Tories say they might vote Lib Dem and 19% say Green.
The result appears to strengthen Mr Cameron’s hand in arguing the Conservatives must embrace a radical environmental and social justice agenda.
Labour supporters are also more likely to switch to the Lib Dems (30%) or Greens (16%) than Ukip (9%).
Nationally, Green support stands at 3% this month, against Ukip on 1%.

Now all we’ve got to do is turn those positive feelings into votes…

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