‘Pay what you can’ eating

Interesting, un-Time-like piece about “pay what you can” restaurants in the US. Or you can offer to wash the dishes…

“Our philosophy is that everyone, regardless of economic status, deserves the chance to eat healthy, organic food while being treated with dignity,” explains Brad Birky, who opened SAME with his wife, Libby, in October. Customers who have no money are encouraged to exchange an hour of service — sweep, wash the dishes, weed the organic garden — for a meal. Likewise, guests who have money are encouraged to leave a little extra to offset the meals of those who have less to give. “We’re a hand up, not a hand out,” says One World owner Denise Cerreta, who prides herself on the fact that everyone can afford a meal at her café.

Anyone know of similar in the UK? (I know of some theatres that are “pay what you can” at least one night a week – but I think you have to pay before you see the show…)

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