Playing at understanding CSS

I’ve now semi-completed a long overdue redesign for My London Your London. So I got to spend a few hours yesterday pretending that I understand CSS and PHP (by the time-honoured method of changing one thing at a time, then looking at the results, saying “oops, didn’t mean to make that column over-write the one next to it” then having another go.)

I think it works in Firefox and IE, but I’d particularly appreciate anyone using another browser checking it out. I’ll also appreciate any design comments and suggestions – I know I’ve got some readers with strong ideas about web design! It is not now fixed width. I know the last time I did this that was considered best; is that still the case?

For the (semi-)techies, it uses the Hemingway Bright template, and I found the discussion of the original Hemingway theme here very useful.


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