I may fall off in shock…

Today’s Evening Standard – paper of the Volvo and SUV-driving classes of suburban and commuter London – is splashing (at least in an early edition) with “New Battle for Safer Cycling”, including its very on 12-point charter for safer cycling.

That includes one of my current favourite bugbears – a call for enforcement of advanced stop lines for cyclists – a point I was pondering this morning while wondering if the white van splayed completely across the cyclists’ space – yes that green-coloured bit with cycles painted all over it, not white vans – was planning to go straight ahead or left.

He didn’t have an indicator on, but of course that means nothing, and he was pointed in if anything a rightways direction, but then lots of drivers can’t turn left without first swinging out to the right. So I took the safe(r) option and stayed behind him, although that meant I didn’t get space at the lights.

But still … a double-page spread in the Standard (by Andrew Gillligan) – maybe police might start to enforce the law now?

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