Torture by man-made laws

Yes, Ireland and the abortion law again:

A pregnant 17-year-old in state care in Ireland began a court battle yesterday to be allowed to travel to England for an abortion, as the country’s failure to resolve the ambiguities in its abortion laws threatened to erupt into a constitutional crisis.
The teenager, who is four months into the pregnancy, is seeking an abortion because the baby has got a rare brain condition and will not live more than three days after birth, she has been told…
The government agency has overruled her wish for an abortion in Britain.

The legal challenge will be tomorrow – in courts where the judges have accused politicians of wimpishly failing to tackle the Catholic Church to clarify the law. So you can probably blame the politicans and Church in easy measure for the torture this poor young woman must be suffering, when she’s obviously already got plenty of other problems.

Then, this only just belongs in the same post, since it is on one level trivial – but my blood pressure was raised this morning (is the Telegraph a health hazard?) by a piece linking alcohol and breast cancer.

The study, by the University of Mississippi Medical Centre, found that mice fed the equivalent of two drinks a day developed breast tumours twice the size of those given no alcohol, suggesting that malignant cells grew faster in the presence of alcohol.

Scary! Well no … if you read far enough.. “”Don’t forget the study was conducted on mice, so it’s too early to make any new recommendations,” he cautions.”

Again – an attempt to control women’s bodies and actions. Classic Mail/Telegraph stuff, but a particularly egregious example.

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