Femmes fatales No 3

“Where are all the female bloggers?” HERE, in my weekly “top ten”. Why “femmes fatales”? Because these are killer posts, selected for great ideas and great writing, general interest and variety.

* Trish Wilson, posting on XX, assembles a formidable array of statistics to tackle that old slur about single mothers “causing” child delinquency.

* Two takes on the Schiavo case: Frogs and Ravens finds there is a “relentlessly infantilizing”” of the body of Terri Schiavo that is typical of the tactics “Culture of Life” campaigners. It reflects, she argues, an attachment to an idealised infant and child, rather than the actual difficult, messy, self-conscious reality of human life. Brutal Women takes a look at it from a different angle, relating it to the pressure to martyr yourself “for Christian America and the MTV beauty machine”.

* Completing the political roundup, Body and soul explores the lengths to which evil can go in the creativity of rendition, an old word acquiring a whole new range of meanings.

* Scribbling woman reviews a novel about “a time of looming war and terrorism” – that’s the late 18th century – and finds that while there’s plenty to be critical about, it s worth persevering with the character’s “evocative opacity”.

* Who’s a big cheese? Jane Peppler, posting on Blogcritics, explores America’s enthusiastic venture into giantism in honour of Thomas Jefferson.

* Purse lips square jaw just missed out on participating on a seminar on IT and ethics, but looks at the ways the issue is being explored, stressing that the two words don’t operate in different worlds.

* Vitriolica webbs’ ite ponders the apparent sourness of the world just now, with a little help from the wisdom of Aesop.

* Living in Egypt, one of the most interesting blogs on my roll, relishes the healing power of women, and along the way introduces some living fascinating lives.

* Blogs often seem to be about anger, but I find some of the most poignant to be about grief.
Seedlings & Sprouts tells how she found a symbolic way to record the loss of her brother.

If you missed last week’s edition, it is here.


Please: In the next week if you read, or write, a post by a woman blogger and think “that deserves a wider audience” (particularly someone who doesn’t yet get many hits), send me an email (natalieben at gmail dot com) or drop a comment here.

Disclaimer: the views here might not reflect my own. I’m trying to choose from as wide a range of female bloggers as possible.


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