Australian humour

There are not many things about Australia that I miss, but I do sometimes hanker for the local irreverent, dry humour. So I enjoyed reading The Australian newspaper this morning with a piece on the British royal wedding. It had small pictures of Charles with Diana, then with Camilla, with captions that read “first wife”, “next wife” … implying there might be more.

In the “best” bookshop in Castle Hill, Dymocks, which isn’t saying a lot (one length of serious non-fiction, one of ‘literary fiction’, loosely defined), I was somewhat surprised to find six hard-back copies of Cherie Booth’s book, The Goldfish Bowl: Married to the Prime Minister 1955-1997, only $59.95 for the signed copy. (The only option on offer.)

Now I’m not a member of the Be Nasty to Cherie Blair Club: I think that like so many women in prominent positions she’ll cop heaps of criticism no matter what she does, but these kinds of stunts – if they are here they must be everywhere – don’t do anything for her image.

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