Friday femmes fatales No 25

Where are all the female bloggers? Here, in my weekly “top ten” posts.

This week I’m half the way to taking the collection to 300.

To begin, a femmes fatales first, a bloggers’ wedding. The Velveteen Rabbi officiated at the wedding of a couple who met at BlogCon. Altogether now … ahhhhhhh …. (No I’m not anti-matrimony exactly, but I do find it an odd concept. However, to each their own.)

Now blogging about your fight with cancer sounds like a depressing subject, but in Minerva of A Woman of Many Parts can only be described as inspirational, in her personal message to her cancer.

The author of Entelechy, meanwhile, is confronting a difficult decision: whether to take on a challenging job helping to look after disabled children in addition to her studies.

Turning political, Panthergirl on The Dog’s Breakfast finds that Georgia’s governor seems to think all children live in two-parent families, with one at home. Betsy on her Page says that Americans shouldn’t be talking about pork-barrelling, but the spreading of grease. (The metaphor works rather nicely, you’ll find.)

On Crip’s Chronicles, meanwhile, Teri is explaining why you can’t afford to be disabled AND poor.

Now this is an old post, but it is on a subject close to my heart, as you can see from the link in my sidebar to Ethiopiaid. Amber Henshaw has been visiting the fistula hospital in Addis Ababa.

Still in Ethiopia (no, I don’t get to write that often), Thea Keeps Painting the Planet is at the main celebration for the Meskil Holiday, the biggest in the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar – it gets dramatic at the end.

Now The Budget Fashionista might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and her advice is mostly relevant to the US, but when she’s getting stuck into the editor of American Vogue, I’m happy to link up.

On At Home wiith the McMuffins, meanwhile, Mrs McMuffin is waiting for the stork to arrive. She really hopes it is not delayed.

Last week’s edition is here.

Remember nominations are hugely welcome – I’ll probably get to you eventually anyway, but why not hurry along the process?


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